Postpartum moms are often alone and need help (Selah's Red Tent)


One of the biggest obstacles to women receiving prenatal and postnatal care is the lack of a support system. Many of our moms are survivors of domestic violence, suffer from depression, lack transportation to get to appointments, have other children at home with no one to care for while she goes for medical care, or have no one to emotionally support them.

After delivering her baby, many moms must go home alone to care for herself, her new baby and sometimes other children. At Selah’s Red Tent, our doulas know the importance of rest after delivery, nutritious food, and people to support and listen to a mom’s fears and emotional difficulties as they recover. In addition, hands on and verbal support is necessary for the establishment of successful breast feeding, which is the best nutrition path to health for a baby.

Struggling alone

Of the 4,425 births in Genesee County in 2021, over half of the births were from single moms.


54% of births in Genesee County, MI are paid by Medicaid.

Postpartum depression

1 in every 7 women experience postpartum depression (PPD) after giving birth.*

*Sleep and eating problems, anxiety, worry, and avoiding contact with their baby and other people are among the symptoms of PPD.

our approach of doula feeding and caring for newborn (Selah's Red Tent)


Selah’s Red Tent seeks to be a safe refuge for single mothers with newborns, empowering them to navigate the challenges of early motherhood confidently.

Our certified postpartum doulas will provide moms with information and support on infant feeding, emotional and physical recovery from childbirth, infant soothing, and coping skills. They will also help with meal preparations and try to assimilate an older child into this new experience.




The benefits of Selah’s Red Tent is an effective strategy for improving maternal health, especially among socioeconomically vulnerable and marginalized populations.

Doula-assisted mothers are:

  • 4x less likely to have a low birth weight (LBW) baby.

  • 2x less likely to experience a birth complication involving themselves or their baby.

  • Significantly more likely to initiate breastfeeding.

  • 52.9% lower odds of cesarean delivery

  • 57.5% lower odds of postpartum depression/postpartum anxiety

Communication with and encouragement from a doula throughout the pregnancy may increase a mother’s self-efficacy regarding her ability to impact her own pregnancy outcomes.

*Source: Eclincial medicine overview, Journal of perinatal education 2013 winter 22(1):49-58

Selah’s Red Tent strives to help single moms with newborns have healthy lives by holistically focusing on emotional, physical, and spiritual support. Together, we can make a positive and lasting impact on the lives of single mothers and their newborns.

“For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich.”

— 2 Corinthians 8:9