A safe sanctuary that nurtures, educates, and empowers single moms with newborns to build strong families


We believe God loves every person and has called us to look after each other, especially those who are marginalized. However, many single moms living in poverty often lack financial, emotional, and physical support systems after giving birth.


On our own, we can do nothing. It is God who provides and empowers us to be a people who can help others to thrive. Selah’s Red Tent is made possible because of our wonderful doulas, volunteers, and donors like you. Together, we can be part of God’s mission to bless moms with newborns and those around them.

We offer doula services, education & workshops, and community resources to equip and empower moms with newborns. To learn more about what we do, click the button below!

doula hold and caring for baby (Selah's Red Tent)
Doula holding and caring for baby (Selah's Red Tent)
doula sitting and chatting with mom (Selah's Red Tent)
doula hold and caring for baby (Selah's Red Tent)

“Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world.”

— James 1:27

help support strong mom holding baby (Selah's Red Tent)

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